Arthur Henry Kinshott

The spelling of the surname is shown correctly. Kinshott is traditionally used for some branches of the family who remained in, or originated from, Hampshire.
Arthur Henry Kinshott was a Private in the 6th Battalion of the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. His service number was 22424.

I cannot find any service record or other information on Arthur at this time other than his Medal Index Card. This shows that he was entitled to the 1914-15 Star, The British War Medal and the Victory Medal. These were, unfortunately, awarded posthumously.
Arthur Henry Kinshott died from his wounds on the Western Front in France on 25th September 1916. He is buried at St Sever Cemetery, Rouen, France.

Arthur Henry Kinshott was the son of Henry and Fanny Kinshott and is a descendant of the East Meon branch of the Kinshott family, his grandfather being James Kingshott otherwise Kinshott, born 1812 in Buriton, Hampshire.
According to the "Soldiers Died in the Great War" database, he was born in South Kensington, London in 1883. He was the second son of Henry & Fanny Kinshott who bore than name, the first dying in his first year.
Arthur was my 6th cousin twice removed.
He was posthumously awarded the 1914-1915 Star, the British War Medal and the Victory Medal.