George Kingshotte
George Kingshotte was one of the enigmatic branch of the family, though I have yet to link them in, discussed on their own page here. He was born around 1923 in Rochdale, Lancashire, England and died in 1990.
I have found a couple of newspaper articles relating to him from a court case reported in 1948. This one relates to a case of Fraud and Theft committed with a female co-defendant named Mary Edge.
At Weston-super-Mare Magistrates' Court yesterday, George Kingshotte (25), a corporal in the Royal Ulster Rifles and Mary Edge, a domestic servant, of Watergate Street, Ellesmere, were jointly charged with breaking out of a house in Woodstock Road, Weston-super-Mare, and stealing property valued at about £60. They were also charged with stealing a home safe and a cheque book at the same address, valued at £1 9s 6d. Kingshotte was further charged with forging banker's cheque and order for £10 at Bath, and Edge with aiding and abetting. A further joint charge was that of obtaining credit by fraud to the extent of £9 from Mrs Mary Edwards, of the Gloucester Guest House, Lower Church Road, Weston. Constable Furber alleged Kingshotte made a statement in which he said the money box and cheque book were taken while they were spending the evening with Mr Thomas and while he was out of the room. They returned to the house the following evening, when he (Kingshotte) entered by a side window and ooened the front door. Edge did not go inside the house. Accused was committed for trial to Somerset Quarter Session and allowed legal aid. Edge will be allowed bail if a suitable surety can be found.
Western Daily Press - Thursday 13 May 1948
So, at the age of 25 George finds himself in serious trouble when, having gone absent without leave from the army, he apparently commits a burglary and various other offences arising from it.
FORGED £10 CHEQUE AT BATH Accused of forging a £10 cheque at Bath, and other offences at Weston-super-Mare, an Army absentee was sentenced to three years penal servitude at Somerset Quarter Sessions at Taunton on Wednesday. The accused, George Kingshotte, of the Royal Western Rifles at Ellesmere, Shropshire, was charged jointly with Mary Edge, 24, domestic servant, of Watergate Street, Ellesmere. Kingshotte admitted forging the £10 cheque and Edge admitted aiding and abetting. Mr. K. Bain, prosecuting, said Edge sold a stolen watch at Bath for 25 shillings. At Bath both accused met Mr. C H Branch, of Saville Row, who cashed a £10 cheque, made out by Kingshotte on a cheque which he had-stolen. Edge was bound over, placed on probation for two years and ordered to return to her parents home.
Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette - Saturday 03 July 1948
So, poor old George got sent to prison for his crimes. I cannot help but wonder at the severity of sentences in those days. These days you would have to commit a string of burglaries, and have an horrendous offending history, to get anywhere near that sort of sentence. How times have changed.