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The Kingett Family of Worcestershire

I have already identified that Kingett was the name from which Kingshott arose.

Around the same time that my progenitor, John Kingett, appeared in the parish registers of Sussex, a family of the same name appeared in the parish registers of Worcester, some 120 miles distant.


I had hoped that looking into this family might reveal some link between the two families, but sadly, this was not to be. I can find no link between the Worcester Kingett family and those of the Sussex branch family of the same name. This does not mean that there is no link, of course, just that I have not found one.


I have researched the Worcester Kingett family, which can be found here. Unfortunately, to date, I can find no link with the Sussex Kingett family, which evolved into the Kingshott family.


As always, if anyone can assist with this branch, please drop me a line. 

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